University Network Use Policy
Principles Regarding Internet Support Services by System and Opereation
The following principles have been set out to be used in internet support services to be provided by the University IT Directorate.
Purpose and Scope:
The purpose of this policy is to provide uninterrupted, fast and proper use of internet services that is reserved for users by the University for academic purposes in accordance with the Law No: 5651, which was specified by ULAKNET Use Policy and Republic of Turkey laws.
- Users will be provided technical support and helpdesk services by IT Directorate. This service will primarily be provided through intranet or internet. In case of no network connection, telephone and/or on-site support will be provided.
- It is assumed that users recognize and know the computer and the computer programs they use. Technical support service does not include teaching the use of software and/or any computer literacy skills.
- Any user wishing to use IUE internet services needs to apply to IT Helpdesk Office with the equipment they want to make connection. The users need to renew their request at the beginning of each academic year by applying at IT Office in person unless otherwise stated.
* Presenting the student/employee ID card is mandatory at applications.
- User name and password authentication is used in order to improve the quality of and supervise the internet services. Administrative/Academic staff needs to enter their EkoID (e-mail user name and password) assigned to them during registration in order to get included in the WIFI network. Users, not entering user name and password, cannot be provided internet services. Users assume the responsibility of any traffic with their EkoID’s. Users, who forgot or got stolen their user name and/or password, should immediately apply to IT Office.
- Connection services is personal, it cannot be transferred to another user or shared. Users are responsible for the equipment they use to make connection, and for any irregular activities carried out by that equipment..
- Any kind of software, film, music files, etc., that are under the protection of copyright law, cannot be downloaded or distributed via IUE Network. The user assumes sole legal liability about this.
- Use of sites that involve inappropriate and obtrusive materials (pornographic, vandalism, Satanism, gambling, hacking, cracking, Warez, etc.) is banned within the scope of Law No: 5651 (excluding the ones for academic and research purposes).
- It is forbidden to create traffic on the network to an extent that will disable use of internet for others.
- It is strictly forbidden for users to attempt to attack (by using applications such as port scanning, data sniffing) any system within IUE Network or any other network.
- Users are not allowed to use unlicensed operating systems on their computers. Users are required to apply security and operating system patches regularly for their licensed operating systems. They are required to have antivirus software downloaded on their licensed operating systems.
- IUE Network resources may not be used for profit or personal gains.
- It is forbidden to send and allow third persons to send bulk mail (mail bombing, spam) via IUE Network resources.
- External PROXY, DHCP, DNS, etc. services via IUE Network resources cannot be provided for user computers.
- Peer-to-peer,”P2P” file sharing programs not only violate copyrights and licenses, they also consume high bandwidth, thus, not leaving any resources for use of network for academic and education purposes. Therefore, use of all "peer-to-peer" file sharing programs listed below but not limited to these, is absolutely forbidden. (KaZaA, iMesh, eDonkey2000, Gnutella, Napster, Aimster, Madster, FastTrack, Audiogalaxy, MFTP, eMule, Overnet, NeoModus, Direct Connect, Acquisition, BearShare, Gnucleus, GTK-Gnutella, LimeWire, Mactella, Morpheus, Phex, Qtella, Shareaza, XoLoX, OpenNap, WinMX, DC++, BitTorrent vs. )
- User computers are authenticated by IT Office through central servers and network access is provided. Therefore, users are strictly forbidden to set up a static IP on their computers.
- Users do not need to make any kind of adjustments on their computers in order to benefit from IUE Network. Therefore, users, who block internet access for other users intentionally or unintentionally by changing connection settings, will be denied access.
- Proxy services are being provided with the intention of improving internet services on IUE Network. For this reason, users are not allowed to use external proxy or tunnel.
- Users will be notified about changes and concerns regarding IUE network connections through their IUE e-mails. Users will be assumed they received these announcements forwarded to their e-mails.
- The account is automatically closed when the user leaves from IUE.
Users will be subject to one or more of the articles below in the event of not complying with the above article(s).
- Network connections will be cut off by IUE IT Directorate officials without any notification. In the event of violations of rules again, network connection will be cut off for one month, if the violation continues, network connection will be cut off for one semester.
- Investigation authorities within the University will be notified.
- Jurisdiction will be notified.